Consider Location 

The cool thing about photography is that every shoot is different. Some families might choose an urban location, others might head to the mountains. You could be in a flowering meadow, or right at home in your own backyard. Whatever you choose, the setting should mesh with your outfits and the weather! You don’t want to look oddly overdressed (or too casual). You can talk to me about your vision and inspiration in advance.

Start with the ladies

Let that look be the starting point. Women’s clothing typically has more color, pattern, and texture than menswear.

Once you settle on an outfit, begin collecting and sourcing complimentary pieces for the rest of your family or partner. Choose a color or style you feel confident in, then build out from there. You can never go wrong with a dress. They are comfortable and extremely flattering in photos.

Muted Hues Are Your Friend

In a business headshot, saturated colors like a bold red, blue or hot pink look punchy and impactful. In a family or couple's photos, they are very distracting!

Consequently, it is recommended for muted versions of the colors you love. For example, your partner wanted to wear this neon shirt that resembled a tennis ball! It makes them happy, but would look pretty tragic in a photo. A good alternative? Sage green. Muted earth tones are your friend!

Pick Your Palette

When choosing what to wear for photos, it is helpful to think about how you would decorate a room. This is not the time for the full rainbow of hues. Pick a palette – and stick with it! 

Choose one outfit, then 2-3 coordinating colors. Focus on earth tones muted colors and neutrals. Also, avoid large logo's or sayings on your clothes. Lastly, hats can be super cute, but bring it and don't wear it. I like to start your session without hats/props and then faze them in. This will also give your photos variety.

Color Palette Options

Color Palette Options